Getting to Know the Shariah Supervisory Board

Dr. H. Asep Supyadillah, M.Ag

Dr. H. Asep Supyadillah, M.Ag

Chairman of the Sharia Supervisory Board

Drs. H. Muhammad Zubair M.Si., AIIS

Drs. H. Muhammad Zubair M.Si., AIIS

Member of the Sharia Supervisory Board

Concept of Shariah Insurance

Based on the Fatwa of the National Shariah Council No: 21/DSN-MUI/X/2001 regarding the General Guidelines for Shariah Insurance, the definition of Shariah Insurance (Ta'min, Takaful, Tadhamun) is the mutual protection and assistance among a group of individuals/parties through investments in the form of assets and tabarru (donations) that provide a return pattern to face specific risks through contracts (agreements) that comply with Shariah principles.

Mutual Assistance Program for Generali Millennials

Generali Indonesia is also proud to introduce ROBO ARMS (Robo Auto Risks Management System), an exclusive financial service offered to all customers, which can automatically manage unit-linked policies in line with market conditions and customer risk profiles.

Award Sharia Insurance