Our Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
Critical Illness
Enterprise Solutions
Alive Online Insurance
Customer Service
Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
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About Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
MoreOur Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
MoreCustomer Service
Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
Article & News
MoreAbout Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
MoreSharia insurance comes with many advantages, one of them being the opportunity to make a positive impact. Let's do good together with Generali Syariah
Based on the Fatwa of the National Shariah Council No: 21/DSN-MUI/X/2001 regarding the General Guidelines for Shariah Insurance, the definition of Shariah Insurance (Ta'min, Takaful, Tadhamun) is the mutual protection and assistance among a group of individuals/parties through investments in the form of assets and tabarru (donations) that provide a return pattern to face specific risks through contracts (agreements) that comply with Shariah principles.
Generali Indonesia is also proud to introduce ROBO ARMS (Robo Auto Risks Management System), an exclusive financial service offered to all customers, which can automatically manage unit-linked policies in line with market conditions and customer risk profiles.
Generali enables people to shape a safer and more sustainable future by nurturing your life and dreams.
is a licensed insurance company regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Head Office
Generali Tower Lantai 7
Grand Rubina Bussiness Park
Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kavling C-22
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Contact Us
Copyright © 2024 Generali Insurance Indonesia.
All rights reserved
Edy Tuhirman
Chief Executive Officer
Edy Tuhirman memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 25 tahun di industri asuransi , perbankan dan keuangan, pasar modal, dan tata kelola perusahaan di perusahaan nasional maupun multinasional – Bank Danamon, Citibank, Amex dan AIG.
Edy merupakan CEO dari Generali Indonesia, ia berhasil membawa Generali Indonesia menjadi enam besar perusahaan asuransi dalam waktu 8 tahun ditengah persaingan dengan pemain-pemain asing. Edy juga aktif dalam asosiasi asuransi Indonesia sebagai vice chairman yang bertanggung jawab terhadap bidang keuangan, keanggotaan, hukum dan kepatuhan.
Edy juga pernah menjabat menjadi GARO's Centre of Excellence for Agency dan managed GARO’s tim distribusi di Hong Kong. Ia dipilih untuk menjadi mentor dari para manajer senior di Asia dan dua direktur di Eropa.