PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in conducting its business activities and acting with integrity and honesty to uphold Generali's ethical standards. Generali's Code of Conduct establishes the behavior that must be adhered to and provides specific guidance on promoting fair business practices, diversity and inclusion, personal data protection, fair competition and anti-monopoly practices, as well as the prevention of conflicts of interest, bribery and corruption, money laundering, and terrorist financing. Generali's Code of Conduct applies to all employees and management. In addition, third-party providers (such as marketers, consultants, suppliers, etc.) acting on behalf of PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia are expected to comply with the principles outlined in this Code of Conduct.

Whistleblower Reporting

We encourage everyone to report practices or behaviors deemed inappropriate or in violation of the Code of Conduct, laws, and regulations through the following channels: 

- By mail: Group Compliance - Business Integrity - Via Machiavelli, 3, 34132 Trieste. 

- Compliance Helpline via toll-free numbers (Indonesia number: 001-801-10 with access code 855-657-8023) 

- Online/internet reporting available at If you report a violation, you do not need to worry that your report will result in negative actions against you. Generali has a non-retaliation policy. Reports and the data of the reporter and individuals involved will be treated confidentially and handled with great care and in accordance with applicable privacy regulations.