Program for Sustainability by Generali Indonesia

Embedding sustainability as a cornerstone of its business strategy, PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia ("Generali Indonesia") continues to demonstrate its commitment to creating positive impacts on the environment and society, one of which is through the "PLAN & PLANT" initiative.

Through PLAN & PLANT, Generali Indonesia will plant 1 mangrove tree for every insurance policy issued in the name of a customer. These mangrove trees directly contribute to our efforts in combating global climate change.

The PLAN & PLANT program was symbolically launched with two main focuses:

  • PLAN involves enhancing family resilience and financial literacy in the community in that area.
  • PLANT focuses on environmental initiatives, including mangrove seed planting and coastal cleaning efforts.

The program series is conducted with the involvement of all stakeholders of Generali Indonesia, including internal parties such as agents, employees, and management, as well as external parties such as Non-Governmental Organizations ("NGOs"), customers, and the local community. Internally, Generali Indonesia has actively conducted education sessions and internalized the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance ("ESG") values and Sustainability to its employees and management.

1 mangrove tree for every policy issued

Starting from July 15, 2023, in addition to receiving protection from Generali Indonesia, you also contribute to the future sustainability of the earth through the PLAN & PLANT program. Customers can protect themselves while also preserving the planet we live on, contributing to a holistic solution towards sustainability.

Mangrove trees play a crucial role in carbon absorption by storing carbon in their soil and biomass. This ability is essential in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming and climate change. Additionally, mangroves protect coastlines from the impacts of rising sea levels due to climate change.

The PLAN & PLANT program is tangible evidence that each of us can be part of the sustainability solution.

9,665 Mangrove seedlings planted as of February 2024.


  • Applies to all Generali Indonesia products with a minimum premium of Rp1,000,000/month or equivalent to Rp12,000,000/year.
  • The program runs from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, or for the first 10,000 policies.

For more information, contact Generali Indonesia Marketing Agents or Customer Care at 1500037 or email